Saturday, October 11, 2008

lazy boy

I have just realized how bad I am at returning phone calls, replying text messages or emails my friends send me.

It is not that I don't think it is worth replying I am just lazy. Ridiculously lazy.

Even when they are on my best interest, I always postpone it - tomorrow I will write him back, I will call her later...

And then the days go by and I have a text on my phone from an old friend waiting to be answered for a whole week!

Sorry guys! Now you know, if I don't reply you right away - I still love you!! :p


Anonymous said...

We love you anyway...

Anonymous said...

I'm totally the same. I don't do it intentionally but I just can't be bothered to reply straight away.

But I bet you would reply instantly if I sent you a text that said "I have gossip"

banana said...

completely the same...
now it's worse, because i'm away from home. i can't just avoid it.